Catching Pokemon Now An Activity Tracked in Google Maps

Google has rolled out a small behind-the-scenes update to Google Maps that acknowledges the phenomenon that is Pokemon.  Using the timeline feature in the app, you can now indicate when an activity you were doing was catching Pokemon, just like you can when you are walking, running or doing other activities.  The change doesn’t require an update of your Maps app (assuming you have the latest build from the Google Play Store) and you can now edit activities in your timeline as time spent trying to catch them all.  While not necessarily super useful, it is fun, especially for those who are into the game (and there are a lot of you into the game!)

If you open up Google Maps and use the hamburger menu in the search bar, tap on Your Timeline.  Select a date using the calendar icon and you will see all of your activities for that day.  During a

Catching Pokémon as an activity in Google Maps

Catching Pokémon as an activity in Google Maps

time when you were out chasing Pokemon, you can edit a time where you were walking or running and you will see the option to indicate it was time spent Catching Pokemon.  Once you make the edit, it will shop up in your timeline history.  Any of your timeline history can be edited so if you want to search back over the past few weeks when you know you were playing the game, you can edit that time to see how much time you have spent playing – and see how much exercise you got in the process.

While Pokemon Go mania has slowed a little, millions are still playing the game.  Now you can easily see your own catching activities in your history on Google Maps.


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