Have a tip or trick?  Want to have me review your software or  accessory?  This is the page for you then!  Using the form below you can contact Clinton Fitch and ClintonFitch.com with whatever it is you would like to tell us.

Hate a review?  No problem, tell me!

Love a review?  Even better!  Tell me!

If you are wanting me to review your software for Android, Windows or iOS, there are a few guiding rules:

  • You need to provide me the full version of the application
  • Reviews generally take 2-3 weeks (yes, I actually use the application)
  • I do not accept payments for reviews.

If you have an accessory for Android or Chromebooks that you want me to review, here are your guiding rules:

  • The product must be a review sample and will not be returned
  • Reviews generally take 2-3 weeks
  • I do not accept payments for reviews