Vivino Wine Scanner App for Windows Phone Review

I love wine but I fully admit that I’m a bit of a neanderthal when it comes to being able to pick a good wine from a not-so-good wine.  As I have discovered, price isn’t necessarily a reflection of a wine that is good and there is certainly an element of personal tastes that come into the picture.  Compounding my problem is when I go to my local grocer or “bottle store” (AKA Liquor Store), there is a dizzying number of wines of all times and all price ranges.  Regardless of your wine selecting skills, there is a great app that can help you find that perfect wine as you stand there looking at a wall of bottles.  The Vivino Wine Scanner app allows you to scan the label of any wine and instantly get peer ratings, price ranges and reviews of that wine.  It helps eliminate the guess work so you can find wines you like at a price that is right.

The Vivino Wine Scanner app is one of those apps that just makes life easier.  It works amazingly well and I’ve yet to find a bottle of wine that it didn’t recognise.  Literally all you do is snap a photo of the label of the wine bottle and it does all the work of giving you information about that wine.  It has become my favourite app to use while I’m stood in my grocer trying to find that bottle of wine that goes with that meal.

Vivino Wine Scanner – Free – Download Now

To use the Vivino Wine Scanner app all you need is a bottle of wine in your hand.  Frame the label of the bottle in the designated

Wine information including average price

Wine information including average price

window then snap a photo of it.  The app goes back to the Vivino database and finds the wine based solely on that label and instantly provides you peer reviews, ratings and other information about that bottle of wine.  Vivino claims to have 4 million users of the app, all of which are contributing to this database of ratings and reviews.  That makes it not just one company’s opinion but literally thousands of people around you at any given time.

Once you have snapped the label of the wine bottle, you can scroll down and give the wine a 1 to 5 star rating after you have tried it and you can see others reviews and opinions.  Equally as important, you are given an average price of that bottle of wine.  This can help you make sure that you do not over pay for a bottle of wine and maybe even find a great deal on a great bottle.  What I have found in using the app is that here in England the prices are generally in line with what the app says you should pay for the bottle.  Equally I’ve found that the reviews are very helpful.  As I’ve

Vivino WIne Scanner User Reviews & Ratings

Vivino WIne Scanner User Reviews & Ratings

researched wines in my local store, I’ve found that the reviews generally all are within 1 or 2 stars of each other and you don’t end up with several 1s and several 5s.  Personally I find that much more helpful as the reviews are being done by people who care about providing accurate opinions.

In addition to the user ratings, you can get rating for wines in locations that are near yours.  For example, you can look for ratings of wines that are served in local restaurants or sold in your local stores.  This can help you get an idea of what you are looking for in a wine before you go to that location.   When you tap on a location you will see a break down of wines by grape and by region so you can make a better decision.  Some of the wines will also have a price but not all of them so keep that in mind.  What I have found is that if you are looking at a store you will find most of them do have a price.

Finally, and maybe one of the best features of the Vivino Wine Scanner app is the Top Lists.  Here

Wine Rating from nearby locations

Wine Rating from nearby locations

you will see a list of best wines under – in my case £10 – best wines of a particular region or type.  This is almost as educational as it is anything else.  I have used this as a great way to find a bottle of wine to try knowing what kind of investment it is going to take based on its reviews.  You can also use it to learn about various wines from other regions of the world.  Personally I’m a big fan of red wines from Chili.  This app lets you find those wines and learn about options to look for and try the next time you are at the store.

Having used the app for a few weeks now and scanned many a bottle of wine in my local Waitrose, I have found the Vivino Wine Scanner app to be a hugely valuable app on my Windows Phone.  It has helped me make some great choices but equally helped me avoid some wines that others have found not to be so great.  If you are like me and not exactly the best at selecting wines, this is an app you will get a lot of great advice and help with on making selections.

Vivino Wine Scanner for Windows Phone is available now in the Windows Phone Store and it is free.  It requires that your Windows Phone be running 8.0 or 8.1.

Vivino Wine Scanner – Free – Download Now

Vivino WIne Scanner for WIndows Phone QR

Vivino WIne Scanner for WIndows Phone QR


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