Google Launches Google Play App Security Improvement Program

Google’s commitment to security on Android is taking on a new angle.  They are making huge strides making the platform and apps running on them more secure.  To that end, Google has announced a new Google Play App Security Improvement Program which will not only point out security issues with apps that are published to the Google Play Store.  Not only will they point out security issues with an app being uploaded into the store by a developer, they have a whole set of security tips for developers to implement in their apps.

Google outlines in an announcement today that when an app is uploaded via the developer console (the place where apps are uploaded for publishing in the Google Play Store), it will be scanned App App

for issues.  Once the app passes that security tests, it will be published to the Store.  If it doesn’t, the developer is notified both in the console as well as email on the issue and what needs to be corrected.

If your app is flagged for a potential security issue, you will be notified immediately to help you quickly address the issue and help keep your users safe. We’ll deliver alerts to you using both email and the Google Play Developer Console, with links to a support page with details about how to improve the app.

If the issue is serious enough, Google will prevent any update to be published to the Store until it is updated.

This is good news for Android users for those who use the Google Play Store and don’t sideload apps, a common source of malware.  For developers, it will mean a bit more work to make sure you are meeting the requirements but ultimately it will be better for those who consume their apps.  As for the app, it is fully compliant.

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