Project Fi Set to Improve International Data Usage Tracking

Project Fi subscribers are about to get some much needed improvements around international data usage tracking.  In a post in the Fi user forums, Community Manager Jordan posted that improved graphs and the ability to setup threshold warnings is coming to the service.

We’re improving the way you keep track of your international data usage with Project Fi. Currently, international data is not included in the threshold for triggering data usage alerts nor the data usage graph (under Account > Current Cycle). We’ll be making changes to both of these features to include international data usage to help you view and monitor more accurately. Note that international data is the same rate you’ve always paid, $10 per GB.

This is great news as now international users of the service will be able to track their data more discretely versus their domestic data usage.

The roll out of this change is happening in two phases according to the post.  The first phase, which started yesterday, will update the threshold for triggering alerts to include international data.  It

Project Fi Data Usage Charts

Project Fi Data Usage Charts

is possible (likely) that you will see some discrepancies as this is rolled out but you can find out your exact international usage by looking at “extras this cycle” in the accounts tab.

Phase two, which doesn’t have a defined start date, will be an update to the data usage graphs to include international data.

If you are a Project Fi subscriber and use the service internationally, these update will certainly give more clarity on your usage and spending.



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