Latest Google Play Books Update Brings Shelves to Your Library

Google Play Books for Android has a new update rolling out in the Play Store, bringing with it a new shelves concept to your library.  The update, version 3.14.17 for those keeping score at home, allows you to quickly sort your books by those you have not started reading, those you are currently reading, and those you have completed.  This makes it easier to find that book you are currently reading instead of having to wade through the list of books you have already completed.

The update allows you to mark any book in your library as finished but, interestingly, it does not allow you to mark a book as not started.  This could be a handy feature if there is a book you started a while back, never completed, and want to start over on it.

The new shelves visible in the Library tab of the Google Play Books app.

Aside from this new shelves feature, this update has the normal stability and performance enhancements that you often find on Google developed app updates.  What specifically was addressed is not indicated in the release notes.

Shelves in Google Play Books

Shelves in Google Play Books

While Amazon Kindle is still the king of the hill when it comes to on-device reading, Google Play Books has not done too shabby.  It has over 1 billion downloads and is an app that Google has continually tweaked and improved upon, especially over the past year.  Like the Kindle store, you will also find heavily discounted books available for purchase and virtually any popular title is going to be in the Play Store for you to purchase.

Oh, and for you iOS users, Google Play Books is available for your iPhone and iPad too.  Do note however that the iOS version has not been updated with this shelves feature just yet.

The app is free in the Play Store and if you have it already installed on your Android phone or tablet, the update should be coming to you via an OTA update over the course of the next few days.

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