Amazon Prime Monthly Membership Cost Up Nearly 20% Starting Next Month

If you are paying for an Amazon Prime Membership on a monthly basis, it is probably time to consider moving to an annual subscription.  Starting next month, your monthly subscription jumps by nearly 20%.

Starting in the February billing cycles, those who have a monthly subscription to Amazon Prime will see the price increase from $10.99 to $12.99 per month before applicable taxes.  That, at just the membership cost, makes it just over $155 per year.  The one-time annual membership remains $99.

The move is to primarily to offset the cost increases in shipping and overall production of content and it gives Amazon a more predictable cash flow on Prime memberships.  Monthly subscribers are month to month and can cancel any time while annual memberships, while a one-time purchase, is more manageable.

As for features, there are no changes.  All the content and shipping benefits you get with Prime today don’t change, regardless if you go monthly or annually.

If you are paying month to month, I highly encourage you to save yourself over $50 and move to an annual membership.  If you are already a Prime member, you can move your account to an annual membership on the Amazon site.  If you haven’t tried Prime out yet, you can use this link to give it a try free


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