Fourth Chrome 67 Based Build Arrives for The Chrome OS Beta Channel

The latest beta build of Chrome OS has landed in the Chrome OS Beta Channel.  Build 67.0.3396.57 (Platform version: 10575.47.0) is now rolling out to those of you who have a Chromebook in the Beta Channel and it represents the fourth Chrome 67 based build for the channel.

As a reminder, the Beta Channel is the last step before a Chrome OS build gets released to the Stable Channel.  The Stable channel is the channel most used by Chromebook users and is the officially supported channel for the platform.

The release notes for this updated build are pretty sparse as you would expect.  The build primarily focuses on bug fixes and security updates as the Chromium team within Google continues to polish the release for the general public.

Chrome 67 is expect to bring a handful of feature changes and improvements to the platform.  In this build, we should see

Of course, there could be other features added that are experimental right now and the features mentioned above could drop out if there is a bug found.  But this what is generally expected.

June 5, 2018 for Chrome OS is the expected release date of the Chrome 67 build for the platform.  That could change a bit but is the current published date from the Chromium team.

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