Project Fi Adds Family Link Support for Kids Under 13

Google has made it easier for parents to manage their children’s phone usage by adding Family Link support on Project Fi.  Now parents can add their children to their Fi account for the same $15/month and can manage the amount of data they are allotted each month as well as when their phone can and cannot be used.

Aimed for parents who have kids under 13, Family Link is designed to help parents manage everything from sites available for their kids, to which apps can be installed, and now their phone usage through Fi.

When a child account is added to the parent Project Fi account, the parents can select things like when the phone is not available such as bedtime and how much data can be used.  The child accounts, along with other users, will be using the same common data pool which is $10 per month per Gigabyte used.

To add a child account to your Fi account, you will need to setup Family Link if you haven’t done so already and then add the new user to your main account.  With phones now as low as $199, there are a lot of phone options for your teens too.

For more information on Family Link and Fi, check out this FAQ from Google.

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