Category: Evan Blass

Android P Expected to be Released on August 20th

It looks like we don’t have much longer to wait for Android P.  August 20th appears to be the day and we have, once again, Evan Blass to thank for the news.  He posted on Twitter this morning a somewhat cryptic calendar with a bright green “P” on August 20th.

Given that it is pretty much a given that Android P will launch in August, it wasn’t super hard to figure out what was meant by the post.

Android P Developer Preview Likely to be Released This Month

It is looking increasingly likely that we will see the first Developer Preview of Android P this month.  That view comes from the ramp up in activity in the AOSP (Android Open Source Project) Git and code review but also thanks to a Tweet from the awesome Evan Blass.

If you are not following Evan on Twitter, take the time to do so. He is one of the best connected resources out there when it comes to leaks and rumors about Android. He is also deadly accurate on these leaks too so if he Tweets on it, chances are solid that it will actually happen.  Like 99% solid.

Download the Samsung Galaxy S9 Default Wallpaper

Yesterday we got a glimpse of the upcoming Samsung Galaxy S9 thanks to Evan Blass.  Now, once again thanks to him, you can now download the default wallpaper for the new device.

For those of you who aren’t interested, I’ve posted the wallpaper after the break.  If you want to download it, continue reading.

Samsung Galaxy S9 Lineup Exposed Thanks to Evan Blass

Thanks to the awesome Evan Blass, we now know what the upcoming Samsung Galaxy S9 and S9+ are going to look like nearly a month before they are officially announced at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona next month.

If you don’t follow the Venture Beat writer on Twitter, you should.  He is deadly accurate with information on upcoming devices in the Android world.  I don’t post a lot of leak or rumor information here on because it can change – a lot.  But with Mr. Blass, I generally count it as solid information.

Next Huawei P-Series Phone Could Have a 40MP Camera

An interesting leak suggests that the next Huawei P-Series phone could have an almost unbelievable 40MP camera in it.  And if that isn’t enough, the front facing selfie camera will be a 24MP shooter.  Most phones don’t even have a 24MP main camera!

The leak came from Evan Blass and while we don’t have a name for the next P-Series phone (likely the P11) or a release date, it looks like the Chinese manufacture is hard at work on getting the advertising ready for it.

Long time readers know that I don’t post a lot on rumors or leaks because things change so rapidly in the smartphone arena.  but when it comes to leaks from Mr. Blass, I generally pay attention to them.  And so should you.  He is probably got a 98% (if not higher) accuracy rate.

Leaked Image of the Huawei Mate 10 Pro From Evan Blass

We know that the Huawei Mate 10 is coming in a few weeks but images of the Mate 10 Pro, the top end version of the phone, have been scarce.  It seems that Evan Blass has the answer once again.  He took to Twitter in the wee hours of Sunday to post images of the upcoming Pro version of the phone.


While the phone is being referred to as the Mate 10 Pro, that’s more or less a distinction from the expected Mate 10 Lite that is to also be announced later this month.  Whether Huawei actually calls it the Pro is to be seen.

Leak Suggests Google Pixel Event Happening October 5th

It looks like everyone needs to go put a reminder in their Google Calendar for October 5th.  That day, according to a leak from Evan Blass, suggest that will be the day that we see the all new Google Pixel 2 and Google Pixel XL 2.

For those who may not know who Evan Blass is exactly, he’s a reporter for Venturebeat and has been one of the most reliable resources for inside leaks on upcoming device launch dates and details on those devices.  He’s pretty amazing actually and I recommend following him on Twitter.

Put it this way:  Those of you who are long time readers know I rarely post anything leak related.  But I will post something from Evan Blass because it is 98% likely to happen.

Rumor Suggests Android Wear 2.0 Launching February 9th

If Evan Blass is right, and he usually is, we can expect Android Wear 2.0 to launch on February 9th.  Evan took to Twitter in the wee hours of this morning to tell everyone to mark their calendars and get ready for the release.


If you don’t follow Mr. Blass on Twitter, take a minute and do so. He is deadly accurate on most rumors and leaks and is a great source of information.

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