Category: LastPass

LastPass Now Free Across Unlimited Devices

One of the best password management apps out there, LastPass, has given everyone a reason to be happy:  They have lowered their price to… free!  The even better news, they haven’t stripped the app down to the barebones either.  The free app now gives you the ability to sync your password and other secure content to your phone, PC, Chrome extension and tablet.  To this point, that sync feature was part of the premium package for the app (which was a quite affordable $1/month).

From the company’s blog

I’m thrilled to announce that, starting today, you can use LastPass on any device, anywhere, for free. No matter where you need your passwords – on your desktop, laptop, tablet, or phone – you can rely on LastPass to sync them for you, for free. Anything you save to LastPass on one device is instantly available to you on any other device you use.

If you have been looking for a password management app, you need to seriously consider LastPass as an option.

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