Download the OnePlus 3T Wallpapers

With the announcement of the OnePlus 3T yesterday, a whole new set of outstanding wallpapers also were made known.  OnePlus has always had pretty awesome wallpapers, created by artist Hampus Olsson for them (he also does the wallpapers for Paranoid Android).  The set of 5 wallpapers are all beautifully done and fit well with the theme that OnePlus has had on the wallpapers for all of their devices.

I’ve posted all five of the wallpapers after the break for those who are interested.  If you aren’t, no problem and I’ve saved you a bit of loading time.  I do encourage everyone however to check out the Wallpaper page here on the site as there are nearly 100 there for your devices.

How To Enable Audible Confirmation on Google Home

Google Home has some impressive microphones built into it and can hear you for a good distance away depending on the ambient noise level of your home. Sometimes, however, it would be nice to get some sort of acknowledgement that Home actually heard your command.  Sure you have the swirling lights at the top but what if you aren’t looking at it or are even out of sight of your Home?  Fortunately there is an easy way around this and it all comes down to a setting inside the Home app.

In this How To I’ll show you how to set up your Google Home to give you an audible tone when you start or end a request.

Fitbit Previews New Dashboard In Latest Update

Fitbit has begun rolling out an update to their app for Android and while it provides a few nice updates, the big news is the preview of the new dashboard in the app.  The preview is not enabled by default but there is a banner that will walk you through what’s new in the dashboard and will enable it for you.  It is awesome.  The new dashboard is a far cleaner design with a white background and dials to indicate your activities, steps and other wellness information.  If you are use to the dashboard on the Fitbit website, this is going to look very familiar to you and has the same ability to move things around on the dashboard, just like the website.

Google Wi-Fi Goes On Sale

Google has begun taking orders for Google Wi-Fi, the company’s new mess-enabled wireless solution for homes.  Starting at $129 for a single unit and $299 for a 3-pack, the new wireless solution is aimed at making getting network coverage throughout a home quick and easy.  If you have a home of up to 1500 square-feet, a single unit will do the job for you while a 3-pack will cover a home up to 4500 square feet.  While orders are being taken, it will still be another 2-3 weeks before they ship out.

As readers will know, this is not Google’s first venture into home wireless.  The Google OnHub holds that honor and it works seamlessly with the new Google Wi-Fi solution.

Google Translate Starts Leveraging Neural Machine Technology

Google has made a big change behind the scenes with Google Translate that is going to dramatically increase the accuracy of translations within the app.  In September, Google announced they had developed their Neural Machine Translation and discussed it in a bit more detail at the October event.  Now they have begun rolling it out to Translate with support 8 of the 130 languages that can be translated with the app and service.  This is a first step but the implications are huge simply because of now Neural Machine Translation works.

Today, Google Translate chops up whatever you are trying to translate and converts that into the foreign language.  It is good – really good – but it could be better as it doesn’t necessarily know local idioms and other speech traits.  Neural Machine Translation essentially looks at the entire sentence, looking at context and then coming up with a translation that more closely matches human speech instead of a machine.  It means that when you use the app it will give you far more natural results.  Equally as important, the app will learn as it goes to provide more accurate and better translations as time goes on and more people use it.

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