Paul Thurott Discusses How Microsoft Can Fix Windows Phone in 2012

One of the most ‘in tune” people in my opinion with Microsoft, Windows and Windows Phone is Paul Thurrott.  If you aren’t familiar with who he is, check out his site, Super Site Windows or you can check him out with Mary-Jo Foley and Leo Laporte on Windows Weekly on TWiT.

Last year on his site Paul posted an article on what Microsoft needed to do to get Windows Phone right in 2011.  If you look at the list, Microsoft pretty much got it all done.  Now he has posted an article on what Microsoft needs to do in 2012 to fix Windows Phone and really establish it in the market.

He has a good list of things that need to be addressed by Microsoft in 2012 for the platform to be successful and I generally agree with most of them.  Give the article a read and see what you think.  Do you agree?  What do you see as Windows Phone’s biggest stumbling block to success in 2012?


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