Google Photos Website Updated With More Editing Features

Google has issues a small but important update to Google Photos today.  The update only impacts the Google Photos website but gives users the ability to change the date of photos as well as some other album editing functions.  Its another small, incremental step that Google has made to continue to evolve the service into a serious photo editing and storage solution, particularly for those who are deep into the Google ecosystem.

The updates to the Google Photos website were announced on the service’s Google+ page.  The first new feature is the ability to edit the date and time of a photo.  When you open a photo on the site you will now see the edit icon (pencil) next to the date.  Click it and you can adjust the date & time.

The other big change that came with this update is the ability to reorder photos that are in your album.  When you are in an album viewing all of your photos, you will now see an edit option in the

Google Photos Website

Google Photos Website

upper-right corner of the screen.  Click it and then you can click-and-drag photos into the order you want them.

Finally, you can change the cover photo of your albums on the site.  This is something you could do in the Google Photos app on Android but was missing from the site for some reason.  No longer.  Go into an album, select a photo then use the menu to set as the album’s cover photo.  Sweet and simple to give you a more personal experience with your photos.



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