Big Changes Coming To The Google Play Store

It looks like big changes are coming to the Google Play Store if the posts from Googler Kirill Grouchnikov are any indication.  Posts of a highly animated, Material design friendly and cleaner looking Google Play Store were posted on Mr. Grouchnikov’s Google+ account today as part of a sign off he made regarding the store and his departure to another team within Google.  In fact in his post, he makes it quite clear that the changes to the Google Play Store have been a team effort and what is coming up is very much in that same vein.

In a series of screen captures, we get a glimpse of what the store is going to look like, possibly as soon as the 6.0 release which should be before the end of the year.  To start though, here is a post

Google Play Store Evolution

Google Play Store Evolution (courtesy of Kirill Grouchnikov)

Kirill made of the evolution of the Android Store to the Google Play Store today and where it will be in this updated version.  It’s pretty impressive in its own right to see how the landing page of the site has grown up over the years.

In the next series of screen captures, we see the next step in the Store’s evolution.  Kirill posts a series of screen captures that show the splash screen and various transitions of the new Play Store.  The contrasts here are small from the current store but they are significant and frankly it looks much more polished than the current store.

New Google Play Store Transitions

New Google Play Store Transitions (courtesy Kirill Grouchnikov)

Finally there is a series of screen shots that capture the various parts of the Google Play Store:  Apps and Entertainment.  You will see the much cleaner content on these pages that frankly just looks much cleaner and simpler.

The big question of course in all of this is when all of this is going to actually go live.  In all of the posts Kirill made, there was no indication of when that would happen and it is purely my speculation that we will see it in Version 6.0 and this year.  Hopefully it will be the case.

New Google Play Store Pages

New Google Play Store Pages (Courtesy of Kirill Grouchnikov)

So what do you think?  Do you like these changes?

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