Google To Make $1m in Donations from Android Pay Tap and Pays

Google wants you to use Android Pay and through the rest of this year, when you use the tap-and-pay app, Google will contribute to special needs educations projects here in the United States.  How is that for incentive to give the app a try on your NFC enabled Android device?  The announcement came on the official Android blog and basically how it works is that on any transaction you make and pay with using Android Pay, the company will donate $1 to special needs education projects.  The cap is set at $1 million total.

Teachers spend nearly $500 out of their own pocket each year to outfit their classrooms with enriching projects and programs. Since each student learns differently, let’s support special needs classrooms across the country to make education more inclusive for every kid.

This type of promotion hits home for me personally.  Both of my sisters are educators and I have several friends who are special needs educators.  Chances are you know someone who is in education or likely someone who is in special needs education.  You can read more about the program that Google is supporting here.

Android Pay Is The Ticket To The Donation

In order to qualify and have Google send $1 for your transaction, you must pay with it with Android Pay.  The app is free and you will need to have an NFC enabled device such as the Nexus 6,

Android Pay Wallet

Android Pay

Nexus 6P, Nexus 5X and a wide range of other devices on the market.  Check your device’s specifications to ensure that you have this on your particular device.

To make a payment using the app, all you need is to have your Android device unlocked, you don’t necessarily have to have the app itself open.  When the transaction is ready to be paid, simply tap your device on the payment terminal.  You will get a notification on your device to confirm your payment and that’s it. You can read more about setting up the app and how to pay at this link.

Finally, keep in mind that if you see a location that accepts Apple Pay, they accept Android Pay.  The technology behind both solutions are the same so you can use both at those same terminals.

So get to tapping with Android Pay this holiday season and help Google support a great cause.

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