G Suite Web Clipper To Be Removed in September

The Google G Suite team has announced that effective September 13th of this year, the web clipboard in the suite of apps will no longer be available.  The feature, according to the G Suite team, is rarely used as the ability to copy and paste across browser windows has improved over the years.  The feature was originally designed for when this was more challenging.

As these issues have become less prevalent across many browsers, we’re looking to simplify the user experience by removing the web clipboard, which is rarely used, on September 13th, 2017.

The post goes on to way that the team is working continue to improve the copy and paste feature within the web-based versions of the apps.

The news isn’t surprising and falls in line with Google’s overall efforts to simplify the user experience and the apps for themselves.  Google continually evaluates their apps and services and strips

Web Clipboard in G Suite Apps

Web Clipboard in G Suite Apps

away features that are redundant or simply not used.  That’s certainly the case with the web clipboard.

The short post announcing this feature change did not indicate how the team were planning on improving copy and past features so that is a bit unclear – or could simply be a “line of comfort” for those who use the web clipboard still.

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