Fourth Chrome 66 Build Released to The Chrome OS Dev Channel

The Chromium team has released a fourth developmental build of Chrome 66 to the Chrome OS Dev Channel.  This marks the fourth consecutive week that a new build has been released to the platforms Dev channel, which essentially serves as its alpha build channel.  The new update is build 66.0.3359.10 (Platform version: 10452.1.0) and is rolling out to devices in that channel today.

As always, those who have devices in the Dev Channel can type chrome://help in the omnibar of the browser to force their devices to download the update.  As a gentle reminder, the Dev Channel is not recommended to be run on production Chromebooks as it is unstable and you will likely run into bugs or issues.

As is usually the case, don’t expect much in the way of release notes.  You can find the change log here but reviewing it this morning, the majority of changes are minor in nature.  Of course, there is also the new Dark mode for the System Tray that should be coming with this release.

All that said, we still have a bit of a wait before we see Chrome OS running Chrome 66 in the Stable Channel.  The build is not slated for release until April 24th according to the Chromium team and we still have Chrome 65 ahead of it.  Chrome 65, which is in the Beta channel, is slated for release this month on March 13th.

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