Find Every Chrome OS Current Build for Every Device in One Easy Place

One of the tricks with Chrome OS is knowing which version is in the Stable, Beta or Dev channel for your particular device.  For most people, this is no big deal but when you see posts here on and others about new builds, it may make you curious.  The challenge is figuring out where this information can be found.

Kevin Tofel, a long time friend and an influential podcaster/journalist on IoT and mobile tech in general, posted a link to a site yesterday that frankly, I never knew existed.  It is found at this link and lists all of the current versions of Chrome OS, for every device, in every channel.

The site is legitimate as it is run by the Chromium team within Google.  It has several different ways to find your device but the easiest way is to simply do a search on the page for your device’s name.

Chrome OS Version Listings

Chrome OS Version Listings

You can also download the information into a CSV file if you wanted to keep it offline – but remember to update it regularly as new builds are released frequently.  You can also see historical releases (the last release prior to the current) for devices.

Thanks Kevin for the tip!

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