Microsoft Outlook Update Brings Improved Conversation Threading

A new update to Microsoft Outlook for Android is rolling out, bringing improved conversation viewing and interactions for users.  The new update is version 2.2.121 for those keeping score at home.  It has been released to the Play Store so if you have Outlook installed, you should get the OTA update over the next few days.

First, all messages now appear uncollapsed in conversations and with cleaner separation between messages.  This makes it easier for you to scan email conversations to find a particular email in the thread.  Previously, everything was collapsed into one header and you it looked like one giant email.

Secondly, when you tap a conversation in your inbox, you will not be taken to the position where you last left off automatically.  No more having to scroll back and forth in the thread to find where you left off earlier.

Both of these improvements to Microsoft Outlook for Android should make working with email conversations much easier and certainly faster.  Along with these changes, there are the normal smattering of bug fixes and other improvements under-the-hood to make the app generally perform better.

Outlook is a free app to download from the Play Store and it works with Microsoft accounts obviously but also Gmail accounts if you are looking for an email alternative to the Gmail app.

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