Third Chrome 67 Based Chrome for Android Beta Released

About a week after the second Chrome 67 beta build arrived, the Chrome for Android Beta app in the Play Store has been updated with an updated build of the next version of the browser.  Build 67.0.3396.59 is now the version you will find when you install the Beta app for Chrome in the Store.  Unlike other beta programs, anyone can get the beta app by simply downloading it and you can use it side-by-side with the stable version of the browser.

There isn’t a lot to report as far as new features go in this build.  In reviewing the change log, most of the items mentioned are bug fixes or performance improvement updates.

This fits with the general theme for Chrome 67 for Android.  This release, unlike the past two releases, won’t have a big amount of feature changes and appears to be more focused on performance, security, and bug fixes.  There are expected to be a few new features on Chrome OS with Chrome 67.

The good news is we won’t have to wait long for this to come to Android in the stable version.  That is slated, along with the desktop browser variants, to happen later today according to the Chromium calendar.  Chrome OS is expected to be updated to Chrome 67 on or around June 5th.

If you want to download the Chrome beta app, you can find it in the Play Store.

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