Google Drive Intelligent Search Coming to G Suite Enterprise Customers

A new and improved search functionality is coming to Google Drive for G Suite Enterprise customers.  Dubbed “Intelligent Search”, users will be able to not only search for specific files in Drive like you can today, but will be able to search for contributors as well as priorities and histories of files.

As you would guess, the new Intelligent Search is driving by Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to more accurately predict the information you are searching for and learn the type of content that you search frequently.

In the announcement on the G Suite Blog, Google calls out three specific types of searching that this new feature will be able to help users with once it is available:

  • Your top collaborators. Click on a person to search for files that you’ve collaborated with them on.
  • Suggested search queries. Click on a term to search for it.
  • File types, edit history, priority items, and more. Click to show files that match the highlighted criteria.
Google Drive Intelligent Search

Google Drive Intelligent Search

The new feature has rolled out to G Suite Enterprise customers who are in the Rapid Release channel and will roll out to everyone on August 8th.  Right now the feature is only for G Suite Enterprise.  That could (likely) will change in the coming months as Google tends to trickle features out to their other tiers of service eventually.

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