Google Finance to Retire Portfolio Management Tools

Like many services from Google, Google Finance is under going changes.  Part of those changes is the deprecation of portfolios and portfolio management in the financial news & information site.  The news came from Google yesterday in both a support posting as well as a banner that now appears on the portfolio page of the site.

In an ongoing effort to make Google Finance more accessible and user-friendly for a wider audience, we’re making a few changes to the service in November 2017.

As part of this updated experience, you’ll still be able to:

  • Follow the stocks you’re interested in – the list of stocks in your portfolio will be migrated into the new experience on Google automatically

  • Receive the latest industry news and market trends

The news means that if you are using Google Finance to keep up to date on news about stocks in your portfolio & to mange it, it’s time to look for another source.

Ultimately what this “new experience” is exactly is unknown.  Many Google product sites are undergoing significant changes with an emphasis on making them more mobile friendly as well as bringing Material Design to them.  It is

Portfolio banner warning on Google Finance

Portfolio banner warning on Google Finance

possible that this is what Google will do with their Finance site too.

There are a lot of portfolio management apps out in the Play Store and other sites to help so this could well be a “nobody is using it anyway” decision from Google.  But, if you are using it, you have until November to find a new solution and download your portfolio information from the site.

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