Huawei Passes Apple as The World’s Second Largest Phone Manufacture

Despite significant challenges in getting into the US market, Huawei has become the second largest phone manufacture, measured in phone shipments, in the latest report from IDC.  The shipping of 54.2 million devices in the second quarter of 2018 means that the Chinese manufacture has moved well past Apple, who was number two behind Samsung until this report.  Apple shipped 41.3 million devices in the same quarter.

Overall, Samsung remains the number one phone manufacture in the world, capturing some 20.9% of the global market with 71.5 million units shipping in Q2 of this year.  Huawei has approximately 15.8% of the market share.

IDC’s report also shows that other Chinese manufactures like Xiaomi and OPPO saw improvements when you do a year-over-year comparison.

IDC Q2 2018 Smartphone Shipping Report

IDC Q2 2018 Smartphone Shipping Report

While Apple may have moved down a position in this report, it is hardly the end of the Apple world.  The company just yesterday posted record profits and is a neck-and-neck race with Amazon to be the first company in the world to be valued at $1 Trillion.  They could see that as soon as Q4 of this year if current trends continue.

For Huawei, it is great news considering the challenges the company has had breaking into the US market.  The current administration has put a lot of pressure on retailers and carriers to not sell the Huawei devices as they are seen as a security threat.  In the US, the only real way to get a Huawei device is through Amazon.

IDC, for their part, note that the figures in the chart above are preliminary and are subject to change as figures are finalized.  You can check out the full report here.


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