Category: Ninja Cat

Get Your Ninja Cat Unicorn Stickers

In baseball, you know you have made it if you have a baseball card made for you.  In memeland, you know you’ve made it if they make a sticker of you.

Peeps, I give you Ninja Cat Unicorn stickers.

So a little bit of a back story for those who are unfamiliar with the Unicorn riding, Microsoft flag waiving Ninja cat meme.  It started when Windows 10 for Phone was released last month when Gabe Aul Tweeted a photo of someone’s laptop with this sticker on it.  It, like many memes, took a life of its own and has quickly become one of the most sought after things on Microsoft’s campus.  Thanks to Microsoft MVP Michael Gillett, I have posted mobile wallpaper versions of wallpapers he created of the Ninja Cat riding unicorn which you can find here.

Now it seems for a mere $3.00 you can have your own Ninja cat sticker for your laptop, window (the physical ones you look out) or wherever you decide the meme needs to live in your life.

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