Category: fitbit

Fitbit for Android Update Brings Exercise Sharing

Fitbit for Android has a new update out in the Google Play Store that brings several enhancements and improvements to the health & fitness tracking app.  The update is version 2.10 for those keeping score at home and among the new features is the ability to share a photo from your exercise routine with friends.  Why would you want to share a photo of yourself in the gym?  Well, you could inspire your friends on Fitbit to push themselves a bit further or you can show proof of how important “leg day” is in your routine.

Fitbit for Android – Free – Download Now

Fitbit Update Brings Improved Challenge Experience

Fitbit for Android has been updated today with some improvements for those of us who participate in the daily or weekly challenges.  The update brings an improved end-of-challenge experience along with a new rematch feature.  The new build is version 2.9 for those keeping score at home and is available now in the Google Play Store.  It is only a 20MB download so updating over your data connection shouldn’t be much of an issue.

Fitbit for Android Phone – Free – Download Now

Latest Fitbit Update Brings Nightly Sleep Goals

Diet and exercise are pretty obvious points when it comes to a healthy lifestyle but sleep is equally as important.  Without enough sleep, we have all kinds of issues from the self evident drowsiness to a loss of mental sharpness.  It also leads to challenges around diet and certainly impacts our desire to exercise.  Who wants to go to the gym tired?  That’s why the latest update to Fitbit for Android is really important.  In this latest update, version 2.8 for those keeping score at home, you have the ability to set a nightly sleep goal.  In fact, this entire update is essentially dedicated to sleep with other features added around sleep and sleep goals.  If you already use your Fitbit to track your sleep nightly then this new update will give you new insights and help you focus on getting the right amount of rest you need each day.

Fitbit for Android – Free (Account Required) – Download Now

Fitbit for Android Update to Address Firmware Update Issue

The Fitbit for Android app received an update this morning that every user of the fitness tracking devices should download.  It addresses a reasonably significant bug that made firmware update very slow that lead some update to fail.  This new version, build 2.7.3 for those keeping score at home, should address that and make it much quicker and more reliable.

Fitbit for Android – Free – Download Now

Fitbit for Android Updated With Several Bug Fixes

Users of Fitbit for Android will find there is a new update to download today.  The update is primarily a bug fix and stability release so don’t look for many new features.  Instead, you will find a handful of fixes, especially those impacted by a green app icon.  Yeah, sounds strange to me too.  Anyway, the updated version is 2.7 for those keeping score at home and even if you aren’t impacted by the green icon bug, you should probably download it as there are other fixes.

Google Play Button

Fitbit for Windows Phone Update With Much Improved All-Day Sync Support

The Fitbit for Windows Phone app has received an update that should help those of us who use the All-Day Sync feature.  If there has been one complaint I’ve had about the app so far it has been the reliability of this background sync feature.  Now it seems to be resolved.  The update, version for those keeping score at home, dramatically improves the All-Day Sync functionality.  It is much more stable than the previous release and it is on by default now.  Having tested this last night and this morning, I can tell you it is noticeably better than before and the app actually stays connected to my Fitbit Flex via Bluetooth constantly.

Fitbit for Windows Phone – Free – Download Now

Fitbit for Windows Gets Minor Update With Big Sync Improvements

The Fitbit for Windows Modern app has received a small but important update today that fixes a lot of sync issues users were facing with the fitness tracker software.  The update, version 1.5.17 (12619) for those keeping score at home, specifically addresses synchronization setup and improved tracker syncing.  The update is important as syncing with your Windows 8.1 PC or tablet is done via a USB dongle on Fitibits.  It works but it hasn’t been to this point 100% reliable.  That seems, based on my testing, to be resolved.

Fitbit for Windows – Free – Download Now

Fitbit for Windows Phone Gets Surge Centric Updates

Fitbit has released another update to the Fitbit for Windows Phone app, the 4th month in a row that the app has been updated.  The update, version for those keeping score at home, is mainly focused on improvements for the new Fitbit Charge HR and Surge trackers but there also other changes that all users of the app will appreciate.  Perhaps the most important of those general updates is the shrinking of the app down from 26MB in size to 18MB.  That may not sound like much but it adds up if you have a limited amount of phone storage left on your Windows Phone.

Fitbit for Windows Phone – Free – Download Now

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