Category: Chrome 64

Minor Update Lands in The Chrome OS Stable Channel

A small, incremental update to Chrome OS has been released that should be landing on everyone’s devices over the course of the next week or so.  The new version remains in the Chrome 64 train and is build 64.0.3282.144 (Platform version: 10176.68.0).

The release notes on this new build are pretty limited, indicating that it addresses several bug and security issues with the first Chrome 64 build released for Chrome OS earlier this month.  To check if the update is available for your system, type chrome://help in the browser bar and check for the update.  The release notes do indicate that systems with Android app support won’t see it for another few days yet.

Chrome 64 Arrives on The Stable Channel for Chrome OS

The much anticipated update to Chrome 64 has arrived in the Chrome OS Stable channel.  The new version is build 64.0.3282.134 (Platform version: 10176.65.0) and it contains several new features along with the normal bug fixes and security updates that come with every new build of Chrome OS.

Here is the rundown of the new features in this build:

  • Take screenshots faster on Chromebooks with a 360-degree hinge by pressing the power and volume down buttons at the same time
  • Revamped Intent Picker for Play Applications (Same window by default with override)
  • Lockscreen Performance Improvements
  • Enable VPN for Google Play Apps
  • Enhancements to our protected media pipeline for Android
  • Android Container Auto Update Optimizations
  • Touchscreen pairing settings

In addition to these new features, there is now a flag you can set to enabled split screen viewing.  This was something that was found in a commit last month.  Android apps can now run in the background too.

Chrome OS Beta Channel Sees A Third Chrome 64 Based Update

The Chrome OS Beta Channel has a new Chrome 64 based update rolling out, its third overall in the 64 train and second update in less than a week.  The new version is build 64.0.3282.134 (Platform version: 10176.65.0) and is rolling out now.  If you are in the Beta Channel, you can force the update by typing chrome://help in the browser’s omnibar and checking for an update.

As you would expect, this new build is a bug fix release as the Chromium team gets feedback from testers and preps the build for general availability in the Stable channel.  There are no new features according to the release log.

Chrome for Android Update Brings Rendering Crash Fix

A new update to Chrome for Android has been released into the Play Store, bringing a fix to a rendering crash that was impacting some users.  The new version is build 64.0.3282.137 for those keeping score at home.  This update follows the original release of Chrome 64 for Android last month.

This update is purely a bug fix release, addressing a rendering crash that was impacting a small number of users as well as a fix for issues around geo location notifiers.  Otherwise, there are general bug fixes and improvements in the update.  You can read the full change log here but there are not any new features.

Chrome OS Beta Channel Updated with Second Chrome 64 Build

The Chrome OS Beta Channel has a second build that has been released to testers this month.  The new build is 64.0.3282.122 (Platform version: 10176.61.0) and it is available to most devices out there.  If you are already running the first beta of the month, you can type chrome://help and check for the update to this new build.

This new build is loaded with a lot of bug fixes, performance improvements and other tweaks as the Chromium team puts the final touches on getting this new build ready for the Stable channel.  You can read the entire change log here but the TL:DR version is bug fixes and security improvements.

Minor Update to Chrome for Android Rolling Out Today

Just a couple of days after the initial Chrome 64-based release of Chrome for Android, there is a new minor update build that is rolling out to users today.  The new build is version 64.0.3282.123 for those keeping score at home.  It is essentially a bug fix release but there is one bug in particular that is called out in the release notes.

That particular bug has to do with Chrome for Android crashing when using the Autofill when using Android System WebView.  This new build should address that issue if you have encountered it with the previous build of the app.

Chrome 64 Hits the Desktop Browser Stable Channel

The Chrome browser for Windows, MacOS and Linux has now officially been updated to Chrome 64.  The new build was released yesterday and will be rolling out over the course of the next few days.  The new build is version 64.0.3282.119 for those keeping score at home and has over 50 security and bug fixes in the release.

To force a check for the update, type chrome://help in the browser omnibar and then check for updates.  This will force your browser to get the latest build and, once downloaded and you restart Chrome, you will be on Chrome 64.

Chrome 64 for Android Brings Site Auto-Redirect Blocking

In a bit of a surprise, Google has released the Chrome 64 based update to Chrome for Android.  The update is rolling out now and brings a significant number of security improvements to the browser.  The new build is version 64.0.3282.116 for those keeping score at home.  The surprise is that the Android version of the browser was released before the update to the Windows, Mac and Linux version.  Usually Chrome for Android and Chrome OS are the last two to be updated in the monthly flow of updates from Google.

There are a number of security updates in this release but three in particular stand out.  First is a crack down on auto-redirects.  After this update, Chrome 64will block 3rd party iframes unless the users has to interact with it.  There is also a new infobar that appears when new tabs or windows are attempted to open by the site you are browsing.

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