Category: App Update

Microsoft Edge for Android Update Brings Family Account Support

The latest update to Microsoft Edge for Android is now rolling out to the Google Play Store with a slew of new features and updates.  The new build is version for those keeping score at home and brings support for Microsoft Family accounts as well as the ability to read Books purchased from the Microsoft Store.

The update to Edge also brings support for signing into the browser with your work and school account.  While this doesn’t do a lot for you right now, Microsoft plans to roll out Favorites and password sync across devices leveraging the signed in account.  There is no word yet on when that will be released.

Latest Update to Google Keep Allows for Subtasks

The latest update to Google Keep is rolling out and with it comes a long needed and desired feature:  Indented lists.  By allowing for indention of lists, you can create subtasks and sublists in your main Keep notes, something that makes organization far easier if you are a heavy user of the app.

The new feature is very simple to use.  Simply create your list of items, with or without checkboxes, then drag the item to the right to create the indent.

Chrome for Android Beta Update to Chrome 68

The Chrome for Android Beta app has been updated to Chrome 68 today, bringing with it the first real glimpse of what we can expect once it is released to the stable channel.  The build is 68.0.3440.14 for those keeping score at home and is already out in the Play Store.

As a reminder, anyone can download and install the Chrome for Android Beta app from the store and it can be installed at the same time as the stable version so you can check both of them out at the same time.

Chrome 67 Based Chrome for Android Released to The Play Store

Following the release of the Chrome 67 update for desktops, the Chrome for Android update has now too been updated to the latest build of Chrome.  Build 67.0.3396.68 was released earlier today and it will take a few days for everyone’s Play Store account to be updated so it can be downloaded.

The update brings a lot of security fixes and overall improvements to the browser along with a new generic sensor API which adds gyroscope support for augmented reality as well as the new Credentials Management API.  Of course, on the desktop version, the bigger news was the full fledged support of Progressive Web Apps in Chrome.

Google Pay Returns Loyalty Card Sorting to The App

A cloud-side update to Google Pay is rolling out that finally brings back the ability to sort loyalty and gift cards in the app to your liking.  The ability to sort these cards was something that was a part of Android Pay but when the rebranding of the app and service took place earlier this year, the feature was dropped.

The ability to sort your loyalty and gift cards may seem minor but if you have a lot of these types of cards in your Google Pay app, it can be a bit of a pain (and somewhat awkward if you are trying to use one in a queue at a retailer) trying to find them.  I personally love the fact that my cards can now be put in alphabetical order.

Netflix UI Update Brings Bigger Controls for Chrome OS Users

The latest update to the Netflix app for Android brings a lot of improvements that should make it easier to use on touchscreen Chrome OS devices as well as your Android phone or tablet.  The update, which is now in the Play Store, brings bigger controls for those using a Chromebook while everyone gets a Next Episode button and 10-second rewind and fast forward buttons too.

The update to the Netflix app is version 6.3.0 for those keeping score at home and when you start the app and play a television show or movie, the changes are immediately apparent.  For those who use a Chromebook with a touchscreen, like the Google Pixelbook, you will see much larger touch controls for starting and pausing the show, as well as the 10-second rewind or fast forward buttons on the main display.  This makes it much easier to use these controls if you are using our Chromebook, or an Android tablet, as previously these were pretty small and difficult to tap accurately.

Third Chrome 67 Based Chrome for Android Beta Released

About a week after the second Chrome 67 beta build arrived, the Chrome for Android Beta app in the Play Store has been updated with an updated build of the next version of the browser.  Build 67.0.3396.59 is now the version you will find when you install the Beta app for Chrome in the Store.  Unlike other beta programs, anyone can get the beta app by simply downloading it and you can use it side-by-side with the stable version of the browser.

There isn’t a lot to report as far as new features go in this build.  In reviewing the change log, most of the items mentioned are bug fixes or performance improvement updates.

New YouTube PiP Layout Now Rolling Out Broadly

The new look YouTube PiP (Picture in Picture feature is now rolling out broadly to everyone this morning.  The new design of the PiP is aimed at providing a bit more information about the video you have in the smaller view window such as the name of the video, not just a thumbnail of the video itself.

Now when you are viewing a video on YouTube and swipe down to put it into the PiP view, you will not only see the video but will see the title of the video as well as the creator of the content in a white panel next to it.

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